从昨晚(5月14号)10点半到12点,一直在google.com上 搜索跟卡特里娜飓风和姚明捐款的相关英文关键字:Katrina donate, Katrina donation,Katrina donate yaoming,Katrina donation yaoming, Katrina hurricane donate, Katrina hurricane donation, Katrina nba players donation/donate,找了1多小时,也没有找到姚明捐给卡特里娜100万美元,反而只有科比10万美元,巴郎。戴维斯的6万美元。
(Kobe Bryant has already donated $100,000 to the cause, Baron Davis dropped an additional $60,000, Mavs forward Alan Henderson donated $100,000 as well and Duhon added an additional $30,000. So far the NBA Player’s Association have raised $2.5 million)